Where's The Wild?
2 min readFeb 21, 2021


How Climate Change Is Now Inevitable…

From the times you have heard, You have been told that we could still change it, But now we have reached an advanced stage in which it has turned inevitable-Here are some proofs…

  1. Australlian Bushfires

The Bushfire Season of Australia between 2019 and 2020 came to be known as the Black Summer. The period was marked by unusually intense bushfires across parts of Australia. From September 2019 to March 2020, the fires heavily impacted various parts of New South Wales. The fires were extinguished in New South Wales completely by March 4, 2020. But by March, the fires had burnt an approximate area of 18.6 million hectares, damaged over 5,900 buildings and killed at least 34 people. Some endangered species were believed to have been driven towards extinction, while billions of terrestrial vertebrates were affected. While at its peak, the air quality in the southern and eastern states dropped to hazardous levels.

2.The African Locust Infestation

The pest outbreak of desert locusts from 2019 to 2021 has become a threat to food supply across East Africa, Arabian Peninsula and the Indian subcontinent. Though the locust population has been steadily declining, it is said to be the worst outbreak in 70 years in Kenya. The plague began in June 2019. Travel restrictions imposed due to the pandemic led to hampered transpor-tation of pesticides and other equipment in fighting the locust attack. Locust population thrives when periods of heavy rainfall are followed by periods of drought. The desert locusts continue to threaten the countries around Southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

3.Californian Wildfires

A combination of causes like increased warming due to climate change, wind conditions and years of fire suppression led to the California wildfires of 2020. By the end of the year, approximately 9,639 fires had burnt 43,97,809 acres of forest area, making 2020 the largest wildfire season in California’s modern history. Started again by lightning strikes in August last year, California’s August Complex fire was described as the first ‘gigafire’ that burnt over one million acres over seven counties.

We can still change this, And you know the steps, Right…



Where's The Wild?

We want to end Climate Change and Save The Wild, For it is endangered